MI ComputSolutions is an established social enterprise based in South East and South West London. We provide accredited and non-accredited training, advice and consultancy to the Small/ Medium Enterprise employers and the community.
MI has an excellent track record of leading and working in partnership with other training providers and employers as delivery partners. Current examples of services include:
- Information Advice & Guidance (IAG): we provide one-to-one support to make a step change in life and work
- Adult Learning Traineeship: focused on Adult Health and Social Care, Health Support Services, Children and Young People’s Workforce, Residential Childcare, Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, Team Leading, Management, Administration, Customer Service, IT User, Retail, and Financial Services sector.
- Community Life Change: working with BAME provision of access to employment programme for job seekers
- Employment & Career Support: employability training for 16+ adults to gain sustainable employment.
- Blended Learning: Basic skills and Sector Focus Vocational Training and Support through e-learning.
- Brokerage & Workforce Development for SME Employers: Recruitment support and accredited training delivery particularly focused on health care, financial, business and services sector.
Our Mission Statement is to improve the career, economic independence, social mobility and health opportunity of individuals through inclusive and lifelong learning.
- that enhance the employability of learners
- sustainability of SME businesses
- to work collaboratively with Partners
Our programmes and courses are designed to lead to or support recognised qualifications. Most of which are free to our customers who are eligible and meet funders requirement. Since 2002, MI ComputSolutions has been achieving continuous year on year growth in its service delivery.
We are a Quality-assured provider with Matrix Accredited, Investors in People and accredited with major leading awarding organisations.
For more information on how we can help you or your organisation, please contact us.