Courses Fees

Course Fees

All courses at MI Skills Development Centre is government funded and FREE to all eligible learners. However, we can’t always do this for all courses and all individuals. Please read below to find out if you’re eligible for a free course and what other support we can provide. Please get in touch with us if you have any queries. We will consider all cases with care and examine your needs individually.

In 2022-2023 we had over 1000 learners in total supported with FREE courses accessed.

The government provides MI ComputSolutions with funding towards the cost of providing education for all learners aged 19+. This means some learners will not need to pay for their learning. However, for most learners, this government funding only covers a portion of the cost of their education and learners (or employers) will need to pay the cost themselves. Where possible.

Must be 19 on or after 1st of August to access funding.


  • • On receipt of Benefit
  • • First Full Level 2
  • • First Full Level 3
  • • Low waged – earning below the London Living wage.
  • • Unemployed not in receipt of Benefit

If you already have a Level 3 qualification, you may need to take out a loan to do a second Level 3 through the Advance Student Loan Company. Please add this URL link:

Or you could also access additional qualifications through the FREE Course for JOBS approved list of courses for free. Please add this URL link: offers free and impartial advice to help with decisions about careers, training courses and work.

If you are claiming Universal Credit, you can apply for one of these free courses, provided it will improve your chances of securing work.

Find out more by speaking to one of our advisors.

24 plus:

  • • On receipt of Benefit
  • • First Full Level 2
  • • First Full Level 3
  • • Low waged – earning below the London Living wage.
  • • Unemployed not in receipt of Benefit

If you already have a Level 3 or higher qualification, you may be eligible for one of our Free Course For Jobs or need to take out a loan to do a Level 3 course not available on our FCFJ list through the Advance Student Loan Company.


If you’re aged 19 or over, you could access a level 3 qualification for free. This is part of the support available from the government to help you gain the skills you need to get the job you want – whatever your stage of life.

The qualifications could help you:
  • • gain skills that employers value
  • • improve your job prospects
  • • earn a higher wage

If you’re eligible, you will not have to pay for your level 3 qualification. The government will pay the course fees.

You can get a free Level 3 approved course if you:
  • • are 19 or over and do not already have a level 3 qualification
  • • already have a level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the National Living Wage annually (£20,319 from April 2023)
  • • already have a level 3 qualification or higher but are unemployed
Find out more by speaking to one of our advisors.

We can’t train you if you are on a Student Visa, Visitor’s Visa or Temporary Stay, or are an Overseas Student.

If you’re accepted onto the course, you will not have to pay a course fee. You may also be able to get help to pay for childcare, travel and other costs.

Am I eligible for a free course?
  • • There are no course fees on any of our English skills or Maths skills courses, including Functional Skills
  • • All ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses are fully funded for UK residents, in receipt of Benefit, Asylum seeker and Refugees including low waged income earner.

If in employment earning income above the National Living wage (you will need to pay 50% of the course fee)

For most courses, there are no course fees if you are currently unemployed and receiving certain income-based benefits and can sign a declaration that you need skills training to enter employment. Examples of these could be:

  • • You are receiving Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit or Universal Credit
  • • You are the partner of someone receiving a Benefit.
  • • You are, or your partner is, receiving Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit only)

You must produce acceptable evidence at enrolment to guarantee your free course. It is your responsibility to inform us if your financial circumstances subsequently change. Bursary and other Financial Support

To access the bursary and financial hardship, you will need to make an application via our Financial, Debt and Welfare Advisor, who will assess your financial capability.

You will also be required to have an additional meeting with a member of our Information Advice and Guidance team to establish other areas of need.

You will have to provide evidence of these needs. Examples of this evidence are payslips, proof of benefit and any other reasonable evidence required.

The Financial Advisor and Information Advice and Guidance Advisor will make a formal recommendation, who will make the final decision. Please note you can only make one application for a bursary per academic year.

If you’re accepted onto a course, you will not have to pay a course fee. You may also be able to get help to pay for childcare, travel and other costs.
Each year we support hundreds of different people from all walks of life, of all backgrounds, ages, circumstances, and skills levels.  There’s a good chance that you can get a free course at MISDC, so apply now!
Pre-Registration form for our Courses

This policy will be reviewed annually or when any new funding rules are put in place by the government.