- Overview - Maths Functional Skills
- Maths Functional Skills (Entry Level 1-3)
- Maths Functional Skills (Level 1)
- Functional Skills Maths (Level 2)


Days per week

Daytime study

Evening study


Functional skills maths entry qualifications are available across the three entry levels (Entry 1 to Entry 3) and are completed in our various community settings.
Functional Skills Maths higher level qualifications are available across the two levels (level 1 and level 2)
Entry Level 1 - 3
- You will learn:
- • Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000.
- • Add and subtract numbers up to 20
- • Recognise coins and notes. Read 12 hour digital and analogue clock in hours.
- • Read and draw simple charts and diagrams including a tally chart, block diagram/graph.
- • Describe and make comparisons in words between measures of items including size, length, width, height, weight and capacity.
- • Recognise and sequence odd and even numbers up to 100.
- • Add and subtract two-digit numbers.
- • Recognise fractions (halves, quarters, tenths and fifths) of whole numbers and shapes, including equivalent forms.
- • Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers.
- • Identify, recognise and sort common 2-D and 3-D shapes circles, cube, rectangle, triangle and square including symmetry, length, right angles, angles and more...
- Upon completion
- You will have attained an accredited QCF qualification and the ability to apply the knowledge gained from the course to your work.
Level 1
- You will learn:
- • Recognise and use positive and negative numbers. Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100, 1000.
- • Use formulae expressed in expressed in words for one or two step operations.
- • Read, write, order and compare percentages in whole numbers.
- • Find fractions of whole number quantities or measurements.
- • Calculate percentages of quantities, money, including simple percentage increase and decrease by 5%.
- • Calculate volumes of cubes and cuboids.
- • and more...
- Upon completion
- You will have attained an accredited qualification and can progress on to the next level. You will have the ability to apply the knowledge gained from the course to the world of work.
Level 2
- You will learn:
- • Carry out calculations with numbers up to one million.
- • Evaluate expressions and make substitutions in given formulae in words and formulae in words and symbols.
- • Understand and calculate using ratios, direct proportions and inverse proportions.
- • Calculate using compound measures including speed, density and rates of pay.
- • Calculate the median and mode of a set of quantities.
- • Express probability as fractions, decimals and percentages.
- • Draw and interpret a scatter diagrams and recognise positive and negative correlation. and more...
- Upon completion
- On successful completion of these qualifications you have the opportunity to progress on to the next level or job or apprenticeship (dependent on prior qualifications).

6 Weeks


Daytime study

4:00pm - 7:00pm Evening study

Classroom/Online/Hybrid Environment

What you will need to get started:
- • Aged 19+
- • Legal right to live and work in the UK*
- • You must have completed Initial Assessment and IAG with us
- • You may already have passed an Entry 3 exam. You must have completed intitial Assessment and IAG with us score Level 1 or above in your intitial assessment.
- • Assessment Interview
Qualifications you will receive upon completion:
- • Functional Skills Maths (Entry Level 1-3)
What you will study:
- • Maths skills to support you reaching your future goals
- • Round and estimate whole numbers and decimals.
- • Workout fractions of numbers. E.g. how to find the discount amount on your journey.
- • Use money and time correctly in a job situation (E.g. Wages depending on the hours worked per week.
- • Convert and identify units of measures. E.g. Measure the space of a room.
- • Design charts and tables based on the collected data. E.g. creating a menu for a restaurant.
- • Methods of money management and where to get advice on money issues if necessary
- On successful completion of the qualification, you could have the opportunity to progress on to the next level or job or apprenticeship (dependent on prior qualifications)

6 Weeks

2 Days

Daytime study

4:00pm - 7:00pm Evening study

Classroom/Online/Hybrid Environment

What you will need to get started:
- • Aged 19+
- • Legal right to live and work in the UK*
- • You will already have skills at Entry 3.
- • You may already have passed an Entry 3 exam. You must have completed intitial Assessment and IAG with us score Level 1 or above in your intitial assessment.
- • Assessment Interview
Qualifications you will receive upon completion:
- • Functional Skills Maths Level 1
What you will study:
- • Understand and use whole numbers and understand negative numbers
- • Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers using a range of strategies
- • Understand and use equivalences between common fractions, decimals and percentages
- • Solve simple problems involving ratio, where one number is a multiple of the other and use simple formulae expressed in words
- • Solve problems requiring calculation with common measures, including money, time, length, weight, capacity and temperature and convert units of measure in the same system
- • Know different shapes, how to draw them and work out areas and perimeters in practical situations
- • Collect and record information, know how to draw different tables, diagrams, charts and graph
- Achieving this qualification should increase your confidence and motivation and the skills you need to progress to the Functional Skills Maths Level 2 qualification.

12 Weeks

1 Day

Daytime study

4:00pm - 7:00pm Evening study

Classroom/Online/Hybrid Environment